Flipped Learning for Teacher Education

Presenter Information

Zelha Tunc-Pekkan, MEF University


Ross 1160

Event Type


Start Date

15-6-2017 3:30 PM

End Date

15-6-2017 4:15 PM


After researching best teacher education programs around the world, MEF University has started a teacher education model, called University within School (Özcan, 2013). University also adopted Flipped Learning Method. In this session, I will talk about how I combined these two models for Teaching Education courses

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Jun 15th, 3:30 PM Jun 15th, 4:15 PM

Flipped Learning for Teacher Education

Ross 1160

After researching best teacher education programs around the world, MEF University has started a teacher education model, called University within School (Özcan, 2013). University also adopted Flipped Learning Method. In this session, I will talk about how I combined these two models for Teaching Education courses