Measuring Nursing Student Engagement in a Flipped Classroom


Ross 2060

Event Type


Start Date

16-6-2017 10:00 AM

End Date

16-6-2017 10:45 AM


Present results of a study performed to determine if the flipped instructional method compared to traditional lecture method has an effect on nursing student engagement. A quantitative nonexperimental repeated measures design was utilized to determine the effect of flipping on nursing student engagement. Results indicated flipping increases student engagement.

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Jun 16th, 10:00 AM Jun 16th, 10:45 AM

Measuring Nursing Student Engagement in a Flipped Classroom

Ross 2060

Present results of a study performed to determine if the flipped instructional method compared to traditional lecture method has an effect on nursing student engagement. A quantitative nonexperimental repeated measures design was utilized to determine the effect of flipping on nursing student engagement. Results indicated flipping increases student engagement.