First Advisor

James, Andrea

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Document Type


Date Created



College of Natural and Health Sciences, Biological Sciences, Biological Sciences Student Work


In the developing embryo, the eyes are formed through an ordered and complex process. A critical facet during the developing eye is the formation of the choroid fissure which forms the optic cup. Failure of the choroid fissure to close during eye development results in ocular Coloboma. Coloboma results an abnormality of the lens, iris and retina. We lack a complete understanding of the migration gene expression required for this process to occur properly. Furthermore, it is unknown if cells within the apposed sides of the CF will maintain their current location within the CF after fusion has occurred. We hypothesize that the cells within the choroid fissure will remain within position post-closure compared to their position pre-closure indicating an inherent positional knowledge. To address positional movement of cells pre- and post-choroid fissure closure, we will utilize UV light activation for UAS Kaede and GAL4 embryos using in vivo imaging.


24 pages

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Copyright is held by the author.
