First Advisor

Andrew Creekmore

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type


Date Created



College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Anthropology, Anthropology Student Work


Ancestral Pueblo pottery is some of the most renowned pottery of its kind in North America, yet outside of the archaeology and art history communities its beauty and complexity is not well known. The University of Northern Colorado has a vast and remarkable collection of artifacts, predominately comprised of Native American pottery and ceramics. This collection was not previously widely accessible, partially because it was not published. The purpose of my research was to create an exhibition highlighting this collection of Ancestral Pueblo pottery in Michener Library at University of Northern Colorado, as well as an interactive touch screen kiosk where an exhibition catalogue and extended research is available for the public. This exhibition and interactive kiosk increases accessibility and awareness of the collection. The research followed qualitative and curatorial methods as necessitated for proper exhibit creation while emphasizing accessibility. The goal of creating an exhibit and accompanying catalogue of artifacts was to provide the general public with the opportunity to experience the unique and exquisite nature of Ancestral Pueblo pottery while encouraging similar research from students and the public.

Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
