First Advisor

Johnson, Katherine

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type


Date Created



College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Geography GIS and Sustainability, GGS Student Work


Urbanization presents problems for developing countries around the world. Cities undergoing urbanization are typically receiving an influx of immigrants from rural areas and a high natural increase rate. They experience problems such as poor sanitation, lack of waste management services, lack of improved water, lack of electricity, informal housing and economic activities, and congestion. However, urbanization in post socialist Central Asia is unique. While these problems are present in these cities, including Almaty, Astana, Bishkek, and Ulaanbaatar, their histories and political systems have created unique urban environments with their own sets of problems. Soviet influence combined with their nomadic cultural heritage has urban spaces with a unique set of challenges. Mongolia, in particular, has created urban environments unlike any other cities in the world, and has a very unique set of problems. This research aims to determine the viability and social and economic sustainability of these cities, as well as residential satisfaction in these cities. In addition, it offers suggestions as to how Ulaanbaatar’s supporters and government officials can work to improve Ulaanbaatar’s infrastructure, and discusses potential solutions to combat the public health crisis concerning Ulaanbaatar’s air pollution.


40 pages

Local Identifiers


Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
