First Advisor

Hanks, Julie

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Document Type


Date Created



College of Natural and Health Sciences, Communication Sciences and Disorders, CSD Student Work


The purpose of this research study is to determine the level of positive impact that automated storybook interventions have on the mathematical vocabulary acquisition of Kindergarten through second grade children who are English Language Learners with language impairments, as well as to determine the most effective delivery style of the language of the intervention. Design and Methods: This study is based on a quantitative research design with a multi-case study approach. Participants will include a small population of English Language Learners with language impairments. Interventions will be provided through three automated storybooks. Results will be analyzed by pretest and posttest data scoring. Results: Baseline results from the control group suggest that mathematical vocabulary knowledge will increase to a similar level after completion of this intervention. Conclusions: Data indicates positive learning outcomes for participants in kindergarten through second grade who are native English speakers with no language impairments. Future study includes implementing the intervention to the target population of English Language Learners in an English only instruction format as well as Spanish only instruction and determine the most effective language of instruction based on vocabulary acquisition results.


22 pages

Local Identifiers


Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
