First Advisor

Elizabeth Alvarado, Ivan J. Wayne

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type


Date Created



College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, Psychological Sciences, SPS Student Work


This research project expands upon existing methods in the field of Psychodrama to enhance awareness and utilization of theatre as a form of healing. This topic is an important distinction, as we continue to implement the arts to be more applicable, and meaningful throughout society. Upon researching the foundation and upbringing of theatre, I discovered theatre has been used as a form of entertainment for centuries and is now emerging as a healing tool. By continuing to expand on ideas such as psychodrama and other methods that express the usefulness of the arts in an enlightening new point of view, we will both inspire and create art. Allowing theatre to move audiences or those willing to take the plunge into the world of theatrics. My method juxtaposes research by exploring the current landscape of Psychodrama, while presenting a creative case study. My case study helps show that theatre has a positive impact on individuals mentally and can influence and create long lasting impacts. I have established my own creative project involving both psychological impacts on actors and movers, as well as the audience's reaction. My project will utilize body movement, imitation, emotion, and storytelling to help highlight the emotional journey being displayed to the audience. By incorporating staging elements, it will not only enhance the viewers experience but also emphasize the emotional storytelling conveyed through physical movement as a trauma inspired narrative begins to unravel.

Rights Statement

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