First Advisor

Sandra Harmon

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Document Type


Date Created



College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sociology, Sociology Student Work


In 1996, as part of larger legislation under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act’s (PRWORA), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), replaced Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC). Under TANF, U.S. families with children are being capped at 60 months nationwide in program participation, consecutively or intermittently. TANF’s primary goal for single mothers, living at or below the poverty level, to obtain self-sufficiency through the support of case management. Previous research suggests, TANF case manages are impacted by program policy and the expectations TANF recipients have, to gain employment. These factors influence the identity of the case manager and how they provide services (Taylor et al., 2016). For this qualitative study, I conducted an in-depth analysis of the effectiveness of TANF case management for short-term and long- term recipients within a Northern Colorado county. My findings indicate TANF case management in Weld County is effective by how case managers provide an individualized, strengths-based approach. Through evidence-based practices and research, I discuss recommendations for improving case management.

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