First Advisor

Caitlin Raaz

Second Advisor

Nicole Reisfeld

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Document Type


Date Created



College of Natural and Health Sciences, Communication Sciences and Disorders, CSD Student Work


There is currently a lack of research in the field of Speech-Language Pathology regarding the understanding and implementation of appropriate practice when working with children who have experienced a variety of forms of trauma, including maltreatment. Previous research has shown a significant correlation between trauma exposure and speech and language deficiencies, so children who fall in this group are often involved in speech-language pathology services. Therefore, it is essential that clinicians in this field obtain a better understanding of how to implement appropriate trauma-informed care. This research poses the question, “What is the relationship between childhood maltreatment and the development of speech and language skills, and how can SLPs best design their practice when working with children affected by trauma including maltreatment?” The purpose of this research is to obtain a better understanding of how children who have experienced trauma can receive the most appropriate and beneficial services in the field of Speech-Language Pathology, due to the prevalence of trauma history in children as it relates to speech and language development. Research has been conducted through qualitative processes including virtual interviews with Speech-Language Pathologists. Responses have been compiled and interpreted using thematic analysis to create a product of all of the information obtained from each participant and determine an effective answer to this question. Potential limitations to this study may include small sample size, minimal variation in years of participant experience and location, and short duration of interviews.

Abstract Format



37 pages

Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
