
Journal of Contemplative Inquiry

About This Journal

Note: This repository provides an archive of past JOCI issues. The journal has ceased production of new issues.

The Journal of Contemplative Inquiry (ISSN: 2333-7281) is an online, open access, peer-reviewed journal which advances the understanding, development, and application of contemplative and introspective methods in order to serve a vision of higher education as an opportunity for cultivating personal and social awareness and an exploration of meaning, values, and engaged action. The development of critical first-person perspectives and alternative ways of knowing allows everyone in higher education to examine their own experience in relation to the material they study, transforming their understanding of how their work, study, and actions affect the wider world.

JOCI was founded and published by CMind, the Center for Contemplative Mind in Society, beginning in 2013. In May 2022, after over 25 years of operation, the CMind Board of Directors voted to begin the process of sunsetting the organization.

We are very pleased to announce that, going forward (and pending the necessary approval from the MA Office of the Attorney General), JOCI will be published through a partnership between the University of Northern Colorado Library and the University of Northern Colorado Center for Applied Contemplative Studies.