Event Title

2024 Colorado OER Conference

Date Created



Awareness of OER is essential to understanding and implementing open and equitable pedagogical practices. However, what if a campus requires more education about the “what” and “why” of OER to then spark discussions about open pedagogy? And how does an institution build a campus culture of open education when stakeholders have different degrees of investment in its implementation? OER advocacy efforts may differ significantly depending on an individual’s position within the academic hierarchy and their job responsibilities.

This panel featured three different OER advocates – an undergraduate student, a faculty librarian, and a program administrator – as they shared their specific approaches to OER advocacy in the context of their roles at the University of Northern Colorado.

Document Type


Cross-Department Submission

SPS Faculty Work, SPS Student Work


Open Educational Resources; OER; advocacy; open education


“Exploring Open Education Advocacy: Stakeholder Strategies to Build a Campus Culture of ‘Open’” by Nancy A. Henke, Molly Jameson, and Ethan Roth is licensed CC BY 4.0.

Digital Origin

Born digital
