The program will include:
- Matt Boelkins, Banquet Speaker, “Fibonacci’s Garden". Click here to view the abstract
- Robin Wilson, Plenary Speaker, "Euler’s pioneering equation.”
Abstract: Euler’s equation, the ‘most beautiful equation in mathematics’, links the five most important constants in the subject: 1, 0, π, e and i. Central to both mathematics and physics, it has also featured in a criminal court case, on a postage stamp, and appeared twice in The Simpsons. So what is this equation, how did it arise – and why is it pioneering?
- Diane Davis, Burton Jones Award winner, “Building a Math Community”
- Rebecca Swanson and Mary Pilgrim, Early Career Teaching Award recipients, “Active learning”
- a panel discussion on “The current state of PreK-12 Math Teaching in CO by Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics (CCTM),” with CCTM President Joanie Funderburk and CDE representative Raymond Johnson
- a panel discussion on “Adopting and Adapting the MAA Instructional Practices Guide” with Spencer Bagley, Hortensia Soto-Johnson, and Gulden Karakok
- sessions on “Poincare's Other Conjecture: The History of Mathematics and Its Use in Teaching” and “Teaching using Open-Source Materials”
- Undergraduate student presentations in mathematics and mathematics education
- Student Jeopardy!
- Pre-conference workshop on Friday morning on "The Powerfully Scintillating Pedagogy of Primary Source Projects: Reading the masters to stimulate student learning and transform our teaching,” facilitated by Janet Barnett. For more information on this workshop, click here
- Post-conference Section NExT meeting.