Various Works

Various Works

Exhibit Images

Artist's Biography

Annabel Attridge was born in Denver, Colorado, and lived there till her family was forced to move to the small town of Hillrose, Colorado, due to gentrification. She has been taking photos for ten years with subjects ranging from people to landscapes. Much of her work deals with themes of depression, isolation, and economic fear. Her work has been published in the Fort Morgan Times and Brush News-Tribune and in one self-published book. She is currently a student at the University of Northern Colorado, studying photography.

Artist's Statement

My photography is based around the world as I perceive it as a person living in poverty in a capitalist nation that makes it clear that people from my background are to remain invisible to those in the upper classes so that they don't have to feel guilty about their exploitation of the labor value of people like me. That I should be grateful for the crumbs that they give. I create work that reflects the isolation, depression, and desperation of my life as a working-class person.

I feel abandoned by the world and left to handle challenges like dealing with a parent's illness with no help other than to tell me that we have "access" to healthcare, which means nothing when you can't pay your copay let alone the deductible. It's about making people look at the reality of late-stage capitalism and face the fact that in the zero-sum game to many of us lose so that a handful of people can win.

Publication Date

Spring 2020

Various Works
