Deep Sea

Deep Sea


Ryan Lehmuth

Exhibit Images

Artist's Biography

Hi I’m Ryan. I was born in Southern California and I’ve lived in Colorado for a majority of my life now. I’m a varsity distance runner and a Graphic Designer, but I also study Business Administration. I enjoy playing guitar and writing music, as well as speed running Super Mario 64, but a majority of my time is dedicated to actual running. During the summer I go home to my family in Westminster, Colorado where I occasionally go on easy runs with my dogs, Rocky and Ellie.

Artist's Statement

My work stems from concepts revolving around feeling socially disconnected and isolated. I often strive to be lighthearted in my approach, however there have been moments in my career where what I have to say requires a different tone.

At the basis of my artistic endeavors is a drive to be wholly unique, whether it be through criticism of the art community itself or criticism of social issues that I find to be critically overlooked. I do not want to tread the beaten path, because others are doing that already.

I know what I have to say, and I’m alright with my message being a little bit different.

Publication Date

Spring 2020

Deep Sea
