This collection holds the research, scholarship, and creative works of Theatre Arts & Dance students. It includes content such as dissertations, theses, capstones, presentations, and more.

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Theses from 2015


Mother Courage and Her Children: An Exploration of the Power of Gestus and New War Imagery In An Already Highly Active Visual World, Michael J. Despars


Preschool Creative Drama: A Curriculum and Its Effects on Learning, Erin Kelli Lindberg

Theses from 2014


You're a good man, Charlie Brown: An analysis of compassion, friendship, and overcoming obstacles, Jessamyn L. Miller

Theses from 2013


A two hundred year old lesson in bullying: building community by producing Honk! Jr., a musical based on The Ugly Duckling, Heidi Louise Jensen

Theses from 2012


Reviresco rainbow interactive theatre model: a study combining theatre of the oppressed and theatre in education for the development of a new model for social literacy, Dustin M. Carlson


Process of keeping creative expression and artistic freedom unencumbered and uncensored: a study of student actors in the musical [title of show], Mathew B. Hagmeier


Ugliness of gorgeousness: an exploration of the obsession of beauty in Neil LaBute's "Reasons to be Pretty", Asedo Wilson

Theses from 2010


Art out of tragedy - how the children of Terezin coped with crisis through art, James A. Kaiser