Degree Name

Master of Science

Document Type


Date Created



The purpose of this study was to explore and understand how participation of golf influences the well-being of business professionals and how organizations could incorporate activities such as golf to their management practices. Open-ended, semi-structured interviews (Kvale, 1996) were utilized in this study to explore and understand how golf influences the well-being by expressing their experience of the phenomenon of the effects of golf. Seven participants were interviewed, where three were insiders and four were outsiders. The age of the participants ranged from 23-68 years, with the average being 49.7 years. Of the seven participants, six were male and only one was female, showing the deficiency of females in casual golf participation. The findings of this study indicated that playing golf improved relationships through trust and community, decompression from the stressors of their workplace or personal lives and allowed for self-efficacy. Therefore, the three themes that emerged are improved relationships, stress reliever, and success through self-efficacy. Individuals can experience personal well-being (Kim et al., 2019) by improving the work-life environment and this study explored the intersection of sport/leisure and well-being. As stress increases the level of depression and anxiety (Moracco & McFadden, 1982), playing golf is a way to reconstruct current lifestyles to cope with stress in a healthy manner.


Well-Being; Golf; Business Professionals; Social Cognitive Theory; Sense of Community

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