Degree Name

Master of Arts

Document Type


Date Created



The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a reflective pedagogy on younger students in the dance studio setting. Three research questions were designed to be answered by this study. Q1 In what ways are reflective practices effective in a dance studio setting? Q2 Are reflective practices effective for younger students? Q3 How can reflective practices be applied effectively in future dance classes? Five students participated in the study by completing weekly self-evaluation progress forms and reflective journal entries. The researcher at the same time completed an observation form of the participants’ progresses. These research instruments composed the quantitative and qualitative data of the study. Even with the researcher’s best efforts, there were some limitations to the study. These limitations were the small population size, lack of mirrors in the studio space, possible misunderstanding of the self-evaluation rating scale, and only one observer who was also the researcher. Analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data showed that each participant experienced and used the reflective practices differently. The study suggested that students of this age were better at identifying strengthens and weaknesses rather than critical thinking and problem-solving aspect of the reflective process. Despite this, the study demonstrated that students of a younger age were capable of participating in the reflective process to some degree.


reflective practices in dance; self-awareness; reflective pedagogy; reflection in dance studios; critical thinking in dance; reflection in dance class; self-examination in dance

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