Degree Name

Master of Arts

Document Type


Date Created



More than 95% of the protests that took place in the summer of 2020 were deemed peaceful. However, many of these protests ended with violent encounters with police officers (Major Cities Chiefs Association, 2020). The purpose of this research was to explore the experience of protestors in America. This study also sought to identify, if at all, the disparities present when deciding to use excessive force against protestors. The sample for this study included students from the University of Northern Colorado, who were 18 years of age or older, and have attended a protest in their lifetime. The final sample size for this study included a total of 53 qualifying students from the University of Northern Colorado. This quantitative study sought to contribute to the existing literature by expanding prior knowledge of protestors' experience in America. This was done through the distribution of a 27-question survey which included both open and closed ended questions that sought to measure trauma experienced, altered perceptions, and possible disparities. To analyze and fully understand these experiences both a thematic content analysis and a t-test was conducted.


Protestors; Use of Force; Protestor Experience; Trauma

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