First Committee Member

Alan Morse

Second Committee Member

Chelsie Romulo

Degree Name

Master of Science

Document Type


Date Created



College of Natural and Health Sciences, Kinesiology Nutrition and Dietetics, KiND Student Work


In the United States of America, 135 stadiums for new or relocating teams have been constructed between 1970 and 2020 (Bradbury et al., 2022, p. 3). Within those years, researchers, journalists, and community members have examined the impact of those new stadiums on local communities, including economic, environmental, and residential impacts. However, the current scope of literature consists of a considerable number of case studies that examine a single stadium or mega-event, such as the Olympics.

This study will determine what patterns, if any, exist between the demographic and housing characteristics between the stadiums that major league United States professional sports teams move to and from, sampling a total of 58 stadiums. It sources data from the United States Census Bureau and processes it with ArcGIS Pro and Excel to model the patterns. This study hopes to shed light on potential patterns between the characteristics of residential areas and the sports stadiums that choose to relocate there. In doing so, it will provide exploratory and descriptive research to help answer more complex questions about sports stadiums and their potential impacts on local communities. Ultimately, this research will contribute to the creation of mutually beneficial solutions for municipalities and sport organizations to coexist.

Abstract Format



Geographic Information Sciences | Human Geography | Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration | Sports Management


sports stadiums; sports stadium impacts; ArcGIS Pro; sports geography; stadium construction; stadium relocation




189 pages

Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author
