Ursidae: The Undergraduate Research Journal at the University of Northern Colorado
Volume 5, Number 1 (2015) 2015 Research Excellence Awards Winners and Finalists
Overexpression of the BCL11A Transcription Factor in Basal-like Versus Luminal Breast Cancer Cells
Alexis Cororan and Matthew DeSelm
Projected Temperature and Precipitation Changes in Central and East Texas over the Next 50 Years
Katharyn Cotsakis
Examining Students’ Expectations for Laboratory Learning in a Majors’ Introductory Biology Course
Matthew Crewse
Native American Linguistic Ethnobotany: Historical Perspectives of Plant Descriptions, Uses, and Cultural Value
Brennen Murphy
Suicide Through the Eyes of Yukio Mishima
Donald Prellwitz
The Legacy of Native Languages: Tracing the Path of the Cherokee Language
Blanca Roman-Luevanos