
Ursidae: The Undergraduate Research Journal at the University of Northern Colorado

Faculty Sponsor

Nancy Karlin


This research evaluates what effects self-regulation, motivation, and self-efficacy have on relationship satisfaction and educational success of university students. The ability to self-regulate is an important component in goal obtainment. Limited investigation has been done on self-efficacy and motivation along-side self-regulation within an educational framework, and only marginal research has been completed with the non-romantic relationships of college students and self-regulation. Data suggest level of motivation did not predict relationship satisfaction or self-efficacy toward school. Learning strategies (indicative of motivation) and self-efficacy did not predict school performance. A second form of motivation, goal orientation, correlated with self-efficacy. Data also indicate factors other than motivation and self-efficacy may be more predictive of the ability to self-regulate. Further study on specific relationship and educational goals may increase understanding on how higher education is experienced by the university student.

UNCO Undergraduate Verification


Included in

Psychology Commons
