"Experiences of LGBTQ Male Students of Color" by Alberto Gonzalez

Ursidae: The Undergraduate Research Journal at the University of Northern Colorado

Faculty Sponsor

Aldo Romero


The limited literature on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer people of color (LGBTQ-PoC) tends to focus on heterosexism in ethnic/racial communities and racism in white LGBTQ communities. This qualitative study, informed by Intersectionality, and Narrative Inquiry, expands on how to create spaces that are more inclusive for LGBTQ students of color on college campuses. This study documents and analyzes the stories of LGBTQ male college students of color regarding their academic and social interactions, and challenges encountered while navigating a predominantly white environment. Data was collected using semi-structured individual interviews. Questions focused on how participants’ identities developed, where they sought inclusive spaces, and how they came to build upon inclusivity. Data analysis employed an iterative coding process and theme development co-constructed with the participants. Themes, co-constructed with the participants, include: (a) identity development, (b) cultural influence, (c) finding and creating space, (d) emotions, and (e) inclusion on campus. Although participants cited Cultural Centers and an LGBTQ living community as spaces of inclusion, the institution needs to work together with several advocacy-oriented areas on campus to make inclusivity an institutional priority.

UNCO Undergraduate Verification

