First Advisor

Stewart, Connie K.

Second Advisor

Goodwin, Donna J.

Degree Name

Master of Arts

Document Type

Action Research Project

Date Created


Embargo Date



This arts-based qualitative research explored the significance of several artist mother histories in relation to motherhood, adversity, and the defiance of the dominant culture’s maternal ideologies. I used Kellman’s narrative lens of invention, description, and negotiation to investigate artist-mother conflicts and negotiations. Conceptualizing artist-mother narratives developed from mothering two sons who endured complex health issues in their childhood. I reflexively examined fragments of my maternal experiences through poetry writing and artmaking to uncover the significance of narrative and my sense of inter-ruption. My creative processes and artistic products were revealing; they helped me order, process, construct meaning, validate, communicate, and share my story. Negotiating my story was transformative in bringing my sense of personal discord into order. My unanticipated findings included experiencing a strong sense of camaraderie with artist-mothers who faced adversity. Their rich stories have left an indelible influence on me. The reflexive and creative process of narrative brought healing from the past - providing purpose for the future.


68 pages

Local Identifiers


Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
