First Advisor

Stewart, Connie K.

Degree Name

Master of Arts

Document Type

Action Research Project

Date Created



The study explores differences between a class who was taught technical skills prior to expressing their ideas and a class who expressed their ideas prior to learning technical skills in a TAB-Choice classroom. Two third grade art classes from a school in Ann Arbor, Michigan participated in the study where four students from each class were chosen to participate in a focus study. Students filled out pre and post surveys. The teacher as researcher used a rubric to evaluate each work of art, photographed the art for documentation, and then compared the rubrics, surveys, and responses. Collected data demonstrated how third grade students attained and choose to implement knowledge of technical skills if they practiced those skills first before utilizing them in their own unique manner. In addition, there were unexpected differences in the way boys and girls responded. The conclusion of the study showed that students benefit from the teaching and practice of technical skills and should also be allowed to explore their ideas with the mediums of their choice to create new emerging content.


Arts-based research; Art education


62 pages

Local Identifiers


Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
