First Advisor

Stewart, Connie K.

Degree Name

Master of Arts

Document Type

Action Research Project

Date Created



This is an art-based research project that explores the effects of poverty. The Seven Modern Icons are influenced by Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Rita Irwin’s A/R/tography, and Ruby Payne’s A Framework for Understanding Poverty. The study resulted in the creation of the Seven Modern Icons; the icons have their origins in my observations in the psychology and behaviors of poverty. I have established the seven main categories of poverty: safety, family, shelter, school, food, clothing, and transportation. Each of these seven main categories has an icon that represents that category. The icons are intended to represent what I feel is worshiped or what is taking precedence in the lives of people in poverty. This project has also brought back suppressed memories from my own past and has flavored my opinions and feelings towards poverty. This project has bestowed a gift of empathy and a belief that education is the way out of this cycle.


Arts-based research; Art education; Poverty


42 pages

Local Identifiers


Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
