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The purpose of the current study was to qualitatively describe what goals introductory and advanced biology students set for themselves during an intervention at a regional zoo, and to describe what types of goals (i.e., learning, activity-based, affective, and/or social goals) students were able to fulfill during this informal learning opportunity. Based on student responses on this assessment administered in Fall 2018, we aimed to refine the Goal-Setting Assessment, and give context to our initial findings. Specifically, we intended to refine this assessment so that the items were broad enough to be used both in (a) informal learning settings other than regional zoos, and (b) formal learning settings, so that instructors can better understand the goals of their students in particular courses or units of courses and make changes to the curriculum based on this knowledge. Our long-term goal was to understand the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that motivate students to participate in informal learning experiences in college, and how these relate to the goals and visitor agendas that students set for themselves when participating in informal learning opportunities. Our three short-term goals were to: (1) identify and describe what types of goals (i.e., learning, activity-based, affective, and/or social goals) students set for themselves during an informal learning experience, (2) identify and describe whether students attain their initial goals after completion of an informal learning intervention, and (3) refine the Goal-Setting Assessment based on student interview responses. We conducted interviews with introductory and advanced biology students to accomplish these goals.


2019-2020 Assessment Mini-Grant
