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Our study sought to test the effectiveness of an enhanced and adventure-based training program on our peer mentor program. Each year we have gathered feedback and data from our peer mentors. Through this data we saw a need for enhanced training meant to improve team cohesion and engagement in the classroom. This past year we both improved our current training procedures and implemented new aspects of training. These new aspects included an adventure-based team building day at the beginning of the semester. During this day we met at a lake and focused on team building, setting goals, and leadership development. We also introduced an adventure-based retreat midway through the semester which focused on communication, classroom engagement, team building, and recognition. We also ended the semester with a wrap up event meant to provide reflection and closure.

We collected data throughout the semester in order to conduct our mixed-methods analysis. Fourteen of our class leaders participated in two focus groups, one at the beginning of the semester and one at the end. In addition to these focus groups, we also observed all class leaders in the classroom twice and conducted focus groups with both instructors and students. We then added survey results to our qualitative data to create a thorough picture of the impact of this training.


2022-2023 Assessment Mini-Grant
