First Advisor

Sandra Cerny Minton

Degree Name

Master of Arts

Document Type


Date Created



The focus of this thesis project is the integration of creative movement and dance to enhance the learning process for students studying poetry. This project was a descriptive pilot project designed to evaluate a piece of dance curriculum. The researcher posed the following three essential questions: How can creative movement and dance in middle and high school students’ classes be used to enhance their understanding of poetry in terms of its structure? How will creative movement and dance help middle and high school students understand the meaning of poetry? Which creative movement and dance techniques can be used to help students best understand poetic structure and meaning? Through the use of professional research including pre-tests, posttests, journal entries, and audience surveys, the author discovered integrating creative movement and dance could successfully deepen the students’ understanding of poetic structure and meaning.

Abstract Format



Dance; Creative movement; Poetry


80 pages

Local Identifiers


Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
