First Advisor

Dunemn, Kathleen

Second Advisor

Clukey, Lori

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice

Document Type


Date Created



Telehealth has initiated a transformation of the healthcare system that has been heralded by many to address the growing concern of disparity in mental healthcare (Grubaugh, Cain, Elhai, Patrick, & Frueh, 2008). Rural areas currently benefit significantly from availability and use of telemedicine services. The purpose of this capstone project was to evaluate the evidence on tele mental health guidelines; assess the hospital’s existing mental health services including processes, structure, and outcomes; and develop a clinical guideline that incorporates best evidence and outcome measurement procedures to facilitate expansion of mental health services. The capstone project consisted of two phases. Phase one involved the evaluation of evidence (empirical and expert consensus) and gathering of information investigating what should be included in tele mental health guidelines should expansion of services be instituted. The second phase included the development of a clinical practice guideline to guide tele mental health expansion of services based on best evidence available (through literature search and from subject matter experts). The logic model offered by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (2004) was used to frame the project as this model brings together planning, evaluation, and program action. This model links organizational program objectives with effectively planning, implementing, and analyzing a conscious process. Through evaluation of quality clinical guidelines available for tele mental health clinicians, the capstone project provided a systematic review of evidence and protocols supporting best telehealth program delivery systems and guidelines.


96 pages

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Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
