First Advisor

Sandy Bowen

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Document Type


Date Created



College of Natural and Health Sciences, Communication Sciences and Disorders, CSD Student Work


Cochlear implants are assistive hearing devices that allow for an alternate route to sound. Unlike hearing aids, cochlear implants do not amplify sound, rather they send the noise signals straight to the auditory nerve bypassing the different areas of damage and going to the nerve, for the signal to be processed. There are over 25,000 people worldwide with cochlear implants. Half of that count represents the number of children worldwide with implants. When a child is considered a candidate for cochlear implants at a young age, parents make the decision. The decision of implantation can be extremely stressful, especially if parents do not feel they have enough information. Data shows that opinions vary among different parent decision makers regarding whether they want their child to obtain cochlear implants. Over the years, studies have primarily explored medical input regarding implants, but not the expressed feelings, opinions and experience of the parents who are involved in making the decision. Parent perspectives are extremely important to understanding the decision-making process and the different stressors. This study focused on parent perceptions and experiences about the medical input they received, and the levels of pressure they felt from the healthcare professionals. The researcher interviewed five parents about the implantation process from different regions of Colorado. The results of the research attempts to help inform otolaryngologists, audiologists, family practitioners and other healthcare professionals on how to better assist parents in the difficult and stressful decision-making process of cochlear implants. Keywords: Cochlear Implants, Parents, Decision – Making, Healthcare Professionals, Deaf

Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
