First Advisor

Deanna Meinke

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Document Type


Date Created



College of Natural and Health Sciences, Communication Sciences and Disorders, CSD Student Work


Cancer patients are at risk of hearing loss due to the ototoxicity of chemotherapeutics and radiation treatments. Gaining clinical access to ototoxic monitoring is a challenge for patients, and physicians are often hesitant to burden their patients with more travel and appointment scheduling to obtain hearing testing. The current pilot study evaluated the feasibility of utilizing the newly developed Creare Wireless Automated Hearing Test System (WAHTS) in an exercise-based cancer rehabilitation center setting. Nine cancer patients were recruited for hearing testing. Hearing tests were conducted using an automated testing algorithm (WAHTS) in an open room and then tested again using manual audiometry conducted in a clinical sound booth test environment. Statistical analysis (t-test) revealed no significant difference between the hearing tests conducted in an open room in the exercise center and those conducted in the clinical setting (p>.05). Future research is needed to investigate the implementation of the WAHTS as a means of monitoring cancer patients for ototoxicity while receiving chemotherapeutics or radiation treatments and simultaneously participating in an exercise-based cancer rehabilitation program.

Rights Statement

Copyright is held by the author.
