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Course Type

Library One-Shot




This tool builds upon the commonly used CRAAP Test for evaluating resources through the addition of a scoring system. The scoring system helps students turn their qualitative judgements about a source into a numerical figure that they can then use in their determination of whether or not to use the source.

The tool is accompanied by the questions and elements that go along with each of the five criterion of the test. Students are encouraged to consider all elements of each criterion before assigning it a simplified score. Then students add up all five scores for a total that is used to categorize the strength of the source as a whole. Rather than simply rely on this total, students use this added information to think critically about why a source earned this score and as a guide for moving forward.

The scoring system relates the strengths and limitations of a single source to one another, as well as compares and relates the variety of sources that students are considering for use in their paper or assignment. It has particular application to assignments that require students to select and cite only a small number of sources.

This resource can be used in an activity or as a stand-alone tool to be used routinely by students. Editing files and instructions are included for customization.

EditFile_SourceEvaluationScorecard.xml (41 kB)
Edit File

EditInstructions_SourceEvaluationHandout.pdf (481 kB)
Instructions for editing handout
