Journal of Contemplative Inquiry
Volume 6, Number 1 (2019)
Editors' Preface
David Sable and Trudy Sable
The Contemplative and Critical in Community
Caroline Barratt
Advancing Black Youth Justice and Healing through Contemplative Practices and African Spiritual Wisdom
Michelle C. Chatman
Mindful Assessment in Support of Student Learning
Eileen Kogl Camfield and Leslie Bayers
Construction of a Scale of Contemplative Practice in Higher Education: An Exploratory Study
Maryann Krikorian and R. T. Busse
Mindful Practices to Interrupt White Supremacy in Service Learning Education
Jennifer F. Steinfeld and Melissa Jean
Working Toward Beloved Community: Contemplative Practice and Social Justice In One Public University
Ranjeeta Basu, Jocelyn Ahlers, Jacky Thomas, Marie Thomas, and Jill Weigt