Journal of Contemplative Inquiry
Article Title
World Café to Listening Café: Creating a Community of Listeners and Learners
In Lectio Divina as Contemplative Pedagogy: Re-appropriating Monastic Practice for the Humanities (2018), I examined the ancient monastic practice of lectio divina as a contemplative method of reading, interpreting, and responding to sacred texts, and demonstrated how this method can be re-appropriated for use within the Humanities. Since the time of its publication, I have adapted this contemplative method in my literature courses as I find that it continues to keep the students the subject of their learning experience while strengthening their acumen to read, listen, interpret, and respond to texts. This article, which is a result of a SOTL grant (spring 2019), will describe how I adapted the Brown and Isaacs’ World Café (2005) and integrated it to create a community of listeners and learners in my World Literature course.