Journal of Contemplative Inquiry
Volume 9, Number 1 (2022) Transcendent Wisdom and Transformative Action: Reflections from Black Contemplatives
This special edition focuses on the insights and wisdom of Black contemplative practitioners, researchers, scholars, educators and artists. It highlights the diverse, numinous sources of Black excellence and thriving and the relevance of Black sagacity to all beings.Rhythms and Archetypes of Contemplation: An Afro-Boricua Experience
Anthony Cruz Pantojas
On African Ascendance, Body Acceptance, and Somatic Experience
Dominique M. Brown
Ode to Woman on the Train and My Sistahs: Healing and Reimagining Loving Relationships with Black, Indigenous, and Women of Color (BIWOC)
Ericka Echavarria
Heeding the Signs: Using Contemplative Practice for Sustainability as Black Racial Equity Facilitators
Ericka Echavarria and Ovita F. Williams
Infusing Black Music in Breathwork and Meditation
LaCriscia Fowlkes
Teaching About Race, Racism, and Social Justice with Mindfulness: A Pedagogical Tool That Keeps Us All Engaged
Marisela B. Gomez
Rising Up Rooted: Black Wisdom as Emancipatory Contemplative Practice for Resilience, Healing, and Liberation
Shelly P. Harrell
R.E.S.T.: A Practice for the Tired & Weary
Rashid Hughes
I’m the Only One Who Can Do It: Healing My Very Own Black Body through Contemplative Practice
Brandon Hutchinson
When Grandma Comes to Visit: Exploring How Communion with Our Ancestors & Nature Deepens Our Capacity for Healing, Restoration, Resilience, and Resistance
Phyllis Jeffers-Coly
Gullah Geechee Visuality as Protest Art, Contemplative Practice, and Anti-Racist Pedagogy
Kathy J. Brown
Touching the Earth: A Black Buddhist Perspective on Connecting with and Healing Ourselves and our Ancestors
Kaira Jewel Lingo
Journeying Home through the Body: An Introduction to Resource, Resilience, and Resistance in Relationship (R4)
Dominique A. Malebranche
Zen, Contemplative Practice, and the Emergence of Black Queer Joy
Steven Thurston Oliver
Echoing: A Practice of Liberation through Transformative Education
Monika L. Son, Virginia Diaz-Mendoza, Schevaletta Alford, Erica King-Toler, Gabrielle Cuesta, and Lenwood Hayman
Dialogue as Black Contemplative Practice
M'Balia Thomas