Event Title
UNC Assessment Fair
Date Created
Faculty collaboration is key in developing successful summative assessments. We have used our mini grant to participate in two off-campus retreats dedicated to designing summative assessments for the student learning outcomes of 100-level LIB credit courses. During our first retreat in December 2016, we worked together to improve our existing SLOs and create signature summative assessments for each SLO. For our upcoming May 2017 retreat, we will tackle developing an assessment plan and analyzing collected assessment data.
Document Type
Place of Publication
Greeley (Colo.)
Rights Statement
Copyright is held by the authors.
Digital Origin
Born digital
University of Northern Colorado
Recommended Citation
Dineen, R., Evers, S., Markowski, B., McCartin, L., & Wiegand, S. (2017, March 28). Faculty collaboration for assessment success. Poster presented at the University of Northern Colorado 2017 Assessment Fair, Greeley, CO. Materials available at https://digscholarship.unco.edu/libfacpub/14/