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In the fall 2019 semester, under the direction of Tara Wood, a new, standardized curriculum was implemented for all sections of ENG 122 College Composition. This new curricular approach is grounded in the transfer and cross-context writing studies research that has emerged in the past decade (e.g. Adler-Kassner and Wardle 2015; Downs and Wardle 2017; Yancey, Robertson, Taczak 2015). Historically, the curricular approach to ENG 122 has floundered with a lack of clear vision and a lack of consistency of delivery. Moreover, to our knowledge, no previous assessment of the curriculum has taken place. Ultimately, this presentation reports on an assessment of a sample of student artifacts from ENG 122 fall 2019 sections, looking specifically at the course outcomes as constructed by state standards. The focus of our presentation will be to report how successfully the student artifacts created in our piloted ENG 122 curriculum reflect the expectations articulated in the Colorado Department of Higher Education's (CDHE) gtPathways. Additionally, we coded for additional variables, include race/ethnicity, gender, first-generation status, and more.

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