


Claire Weigel

Exhibit Images

Artist's Biography

Originally from Virginia, Claire moved to Colorado in 2001 and started at UNC in 2016. She picked up a minor in Art and Design her sophomore year with a studio emphasis in photography. Outside of experimental portraiture, she also takes promotional photos for theatrical productions. Along with her minor, she will be graduating this May with a B.A. in Theatre Studies and is working toward later getting her M.F.A. in Stage Direction.

Artist's Statement

My main artistic practice did not start in the visual arts; I am a theatre artist, and I like to tell stories and play pretend. All good stories have more than one character, so much of my work focuses on other people telling those stories and playing pretend. My photographic focus often revolves around portraits, but I like to experiment with things like light, shadow, and fabrics, particularly with a monochrome color palette.

I try to incorporate movement and performance into photography as a way to display the authenticity of what is around me; life is not frozen, so there is no reason why art has to be, either. Most importantly, though, I just love to take pictures of other people, so, if nothing else, I try to capture them living, too.

Publication Date

Spring 2020

