Throne of Resources

Throne of Resources

Exhibit Images

Artist's Biography

Alex Walter is a ceramic artist based out of Northern Colorado creating functional and sculptural work. She is currently attending the University of Northern Colorado in pursuit of a BA with emphasis in Studio Ceramic Design and Graphic Design. She has been displayed in the Museum of Contemporary Art Denver, the Denver Art Museum, the Saratoga Clay Arts Center’s Schacht Gallery and curated a group show with her as a featured artist in the Mariani Galley at UNCo. Alex completed a summer-long internship at the Clay Center of Northern Colorado and returned for an apprenticeship winter 2019.

Artist's Statement

My ceramic work centers around the strained relationship between humanity andnature and the changes that humanity exerts upon the earth. Guided by the parallels between the potter’s use of clay and humanity’s use of resources, clay is molded to my vision. It is important for my work to exist in a humble place that is easily accessible to anyone because we all use the Earth and thus, most of my pieces take a functional form meant for everyday use. This functional and everyday use bridges societal gaps and invites everyone to be aware of their own actions affecting the Earth.

By the beholder reflecting on their interaction and relationship with my work, I hope they become aware of their role in humanity and how their actions impact nature. The form of most of my work mimics the curve of the human body and is reminiscent of gourds and floral forms. The botanical surface decorations are fired in atmospheric firings which allows the flame and kiln atmosphere to influence the surface of the pots all through the firing process. This finishing process mimics how we must help yet yield into the process of nature.

Publication Date

Spring 2020

Throne of Resources
