America's Reflections of Me

America's Reflections of Me


Steve Burgos

Exhibit Images

Artist's Biography

Steve Burgos is a first generation Mexican-American college student. He grew up in Montbello for most of his childhood. In 5th, his parents moved to Aurora where he attended both Middle School and High School. In 2017, he graduated from Rangeview High School and started attending University of Northern Colorado as an Art Education Major.

Artist's Statement

As a Mexican-American, I have often found myself questioning my identity and what it all means to me. This is also on top of the fact that I am currently growing up in one of the most divisive times in United States history. This has brought many emotions and ideas that I portray in my art. I believe it is human nature to have questions about one’s own beliefs and identities,

but when today’s climate feels like it doesn’t allow you to have second thoughts, it gets confusing.My artwork tends to include a lot of iconography from Mexican and Hispanic cultures. In recent times, my artwork has also started to take a turn to more political themes and the internal conflicts that come with that.

Publication Date

Spring 2020

America's Reflections of Me
