Equity by Design: Embracing Universal Design for Learning
Publication Date
Spring 3-24-2022
Document Type
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is often considered just about accommodation for students with disabilities. But it is so much more than that, and crucial for creating a course that supports all students. During this session we will discuss the UDL Framework and how incorporating the UDL Framework supports equity for all. Through case studies, discussion, and hands-on work with your own course you will determine where in your course the UDL Framework can help you to best support students.
Recommended Citation
McCartin, Lyda and Langley-Cook, Kelly, "Equity by Design: Embracing Universal Design for Learning" (2022). Teaching, Learning & Assessment. 75.
Equity by Design Slides Update.pptx (1264 kB)
2022.03.24_Equity_by_design_Embracing_UDL w_ASL.mp4 (368536 kB)