Date Created
Publication Date
Fall 10-18-2022
Document Type
60 minutes
Are you considering authoring your own Open Educational Resource (OER) with a Creative Commons or other open license and sharing it with other instructors, learners, or institutions? You may even already have the content formatted for use but aren’t sure where to put it so that others can access it. Have you considered how you will get the word out about your resource so other can benefit from your work? You already have the content expertise, so let’s talk about the nitty-gritty of publishing an OER. This session will explore various OER platforms and disciplinary needs for publishing OER and working to promote your materials.
Recommended Citation
Wiegand, Stephanie, "Let’s Talk OER Authoring, Hosting Platforms, and Getting the Word Out: What You Need to Consider" (2022). Teaching, Learning & Assessment. 83.