Journal of Contemplative Inquiry
Volume 1, Number 1 (2014)
Introduction to the First Issue
Daniel P. Barbezat and Carrie Bergman
Honor the Negative Space
Renee A. Hill
A Pedagogical Heartbeat: The Integration of Critical and Contemplative Pedagogies for Transformative Education
Juan D. Mah y Busch
Meditations on Contemplative Pedagogy as Sanctuary
Jackie Seidel
Contemplating the Effects of Oppression: Integrating Mindfulness into Diversity Classrooms
Beth Berila
Mindfulness & Bodyfulness: A New Paradigm
Christine Caldwell
A Contemplative Approach to Teaching Observation Skills
Peter G. Grossenbacher and Alexander J. Rossi
Secular Ethics, Embodied Cognitive Logics, and Education
Brendan R. Ozawa-de Silva