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Spring 4-4-2023


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Faculty and instructors have a strong history of using library materials and library course reserves to supplement a course textbook for pedagogical reasons – to fill in knowledge gaps and to customize course content for their students. Many faculty may not recognize these practices as cost-saving measures for student – but using library materials and library course reserves does reduce costs. Have you ever considered building an entire textbook or course reading list out of library resources and library course reserves, and reducing your students’ textbook costs to $0? Do the UNC Libraries already provide multiple-user access to textbooks, chapters, articles, and other tools on your course topics? Could a few chapters from different textbooks create a new textbook that could be posted on UNC Libraries Course Reserves for your students at no cost and stay within the bounds of the fair use exception of Copyright law? Join us to explore the possibilities.

Taking First Steps.pdf (2079 kB)
PSY 664.pdf (66 kB)
REL 201.pdf (137 kB)
