This collection holds the research, scholarship, and creative works of the University of Northern Colorado faculty. It includes content that represents the faculty’s professional activity, including journal articles, book chapters, conference papers, presentations, and more.
This collection is automatically populated by submissions to departmental collections. For your work to be added to this collection, find and submit your work to the faculty publications collection for your department or contact the administrator.
Submissions from 2025
Nurses’ Perceptions and Expectations of Patient Violence: Language Matters, Darcy Copeland, Mary Potter, Susan Tipton, and Debra Culter
On the Outer Balcony of the Ivory Tower: Contingent Librarians and the Academy, Nancy A. Henke
Speech-Language Pathologists' Understanding of Dyslexia and Collaborative Practice, Heather Tellier and John Fletcher
Submissions from 2024
It’s a Three-Winged Circus! Collaborating across town yields efficiencies, programming opportunities, and expanded notions of how to best meet patron needs, Annie Epperson, Elena Rosenfeld, and Carol Satersmoen
Don't Know Why I Would Need that Information...But Cool: Outcomes from a Website Usability Study, Natasha Floersch and Jennifer Mayer
Librarians’ Roles in OER Authoring and Open Pedagogy: Lessons from the Field, Nancy A. Henke, Mark Anthoney, and Jennifer Burek Pierce
Exploring Open Education Advocacy: Stakeholder Strategies to Build a Campus Culture of “Open”, Nancy A. Henke, Molly Jameson, and Ethan Roth
Academic Libraries, Counter-Storytelling, and Minoritized Students' Scholarly Identity Development, Darren Ilett
The Work: A Self-Paced DEI Workbook, Kelly Langley-Cook
Putting Equity into Practice using Open Education: Strategic and Practical Approaches, Jennifer Mayer
OER as Transformation Tool: How Colorado's OER community creates change beyond textbooks, Jennifer Mayer, Chealsye Bowley, Katie Brown, Teresa Connolly, and Nicholas Swails
Driving OER Sustainability for Student Success: Assessing and Acting on the Equity Dimensions of OER, Jennifer Mayer and Liliana Diaz
The Evolution and Implementation of a Libraries Website Usability Study, Jennifer Mayer and Natasha Floersch
Disability and neurodiversity in the academic library: Fostering new and continuing engagement, Lynette Seelmeyer
Submissions from 2023
Exploring Interim Library Leadership Positions from a Variety of Perspectives, Victoria Blepp, Jayne Blodgett, Beth Harper, Jennifer Mayer, and Tammy Sayles
Transforming Together: Developing a Professional Learning Community of Information Literacy Educators, Rachel Dineen, Stephanie Evers, Natasha Floersch, Darren Ilett, and Brianne Markowski
Connection to Nature: A Student Perspective, Jessica Duke and Emily Holt
Quiet Quitting or Acting Your Wage: What does this mean in libraries?, Annie Epperson, Stephen Sweeney, Emily Masters, and Miranda Wisor
Re-envisioning Liaison Roles: A Librarian-Led Process for Inclusive Organizational Change, Brianne Markowski, Jennifer Mayer, Jennifer Leffler, Rachel Dineen, Wendy Highby, Jane Monson, and Stephanie Wiegand
Open Educational Resources (OER) Efficacy and Experiences: A Mixed Methods Study, Jennifer Mayer
The Libraries and Student Success, Jennifer Mayer
University Libraries Website Study Spring 2023, Jennifer Mayer and Natasha Floersch
Informal Field-Based Learning in Librarianship: A Case Study Applying the CAM-OS Framework to Library Guide Construction, Nicole R. Webber
Submissions from 2022
Re/envision, Re/imagine: Student and Employee Assessment for a Library Space Redesign, Jayne Blodgett, Natasha Floersch, and Annie Epperson
Institutional Surveys Redux: Student and Faculty Responses on Course Materials During COVID-19, Jennifer Mayer
Student Success & Retention and University Libraries, Jennifer Mayer
Open Educational Resources, Jennifer Mayer and Brittany Dudek
Static to Dynamic: Reconceptualizing a Library Mentoring Program, Jennifer Mayer and Annie Epperson
A Story for Every Style, Jennifer Mayer and Borum Rachel
Celebrating One Million Downloads: Scholarship & Creative Works @ Digital UNC, Nicole R. Webber, Jane Monson, and Jennifer Mayer
A Multidisciplinary Study of Faculty Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Predatory Publishing, Nicole R. Webber and Stephanie Wiegand
Submissions from 2021
"We're Gonna Figure This Out": First-Generation Students and Academic Libraries, Juliann Couture, Jimena Bretón, Emily Dommermuth, Natasha Floersch, Darren Ilett, Kristine Nowak, Lindsay Roberts, and Renae Watson
Collecting First-Generation Voices in Academic Libraries and Archives, Blake Graham, Stefani Baldivia, William Cuthbertson, Kendall Leon, Jane Monson, and Jay Trask
Pandemic? No Problem: Using the IR to Support Visual Arts Programming, Jane Monson
In the Test Kitchen: Developing a Recipe for a Faculty Publication Fund, Jane Monson and Jennifer Mayer
University Libraries Strategic Planning Draft Priorities Power Point, Jennifer Nutefall
University Libraries Strategic Planning Draft Priorities Video, Jennifer Nutefall
Are Philosophers Failing First-Generation Students?, Bailie Peterson and David Agboola
Scholarly Communication Competencies Self-Assessment, Nicole Webber, Jane Monson, and Jennifer Mayer
A Predatory Primer: What Every Librarian Should Know About Problem Publishers, Nicole R. Webber and Stephanie Wiegand
Submissions from 2020
University of Northern Colorado Libraries Mentoring Program, Annie Epperson, Wendy Highby, and Jennifer Mayer
The Quotidian Apocalypse and the Quixotic Cause: An Interview with Author Connie Willis, Wendy Highby, Katherine Schull, and Emory Jay Trask
Passions Read and Hearts Fed: Science Fiction Orients Library Science to the Anthropocene - A Review of "I Met a Traveler in an Antique Land.", Wendy Highby, Katherine Shull, and Emory Jay Trask
50 Years Celebrating Earth, Atmosphere, Astronomy, and Oceans: Stories of a Great Department, William Henry Hoyt
Executive Summary Undergraduate Student Success and Library Use: A Multimethod Approach, Jennifer Mayer, Rachel Dineen, Angela Rockwell, and Jayne Blodgett
Undergraduate Student Success and Library Use: A Multimethod Approach, Jennifer Mayer, Rachel Dineen, Angela Rockwell, and Jayne Blodgett
University of Northern Colorado: Collaborate. Standardize. Grow, Lyda McCartin
Serendipitous Research Process, Jennifer Nutefall and Phyllis Mentzell Ryder
Can Summer Philosophy Programs Help Close the Achievement Gap?, Bailie Peterson
Walking a Mile in Their Shoes: Designing Inclusive Surveys to Level the Playing Field, Margarita Shawcross and Wendy Highby
Bibliography of Online Learning and Teaching Literature Authored by University of Northern Colorado Faculty, Stephanie Wiegand
Submissions from 2019
Kassia Database, Logan Contreras
An Unfinished Journey Towards a Democratic Information Literacy Classroom, Rachel Dineen and Lyda McCartin
Review of the film: "G is for Gun: The Arming of Teachers in America", Wendy Highby
A Critical Review of LIS Literature on First-Generation Students, Darren Ilett
First-generation students’ information literacy in everyday contexts, Darren Ilett
Debating Student Privacy in Library Research Projects Paper, Jennifer Mayer and Rachel Dineen
Debating Student Privacy in Library Research Projects Presentation, Jennifer Mayer and Rachel Dineen
Different Scopes for Different Folks: Contrasting outreach approaches to graduate programs and students, Jennifer Mayer, Geoff Johnson, and Rachel Stott
Student Voices: Recording the First-Generation Student Experience, Jane Monson, Laura Uglean Jackson, and Cynthia Mitchell
Not Stuck in a Drawer: Successfully Implementing a Strategic Plan, Jennifer Nutefall and Nicole Branch
Education Needs in Research Data Management for Science-Based Disciplines: Self-Assessment Surveys of Graduate and Faculty at Two Public Universities, Judith E. Pasek and Jennifer Mayer
Exploring Data Management: Identifying Signposts for Graduate Student Researchers, Judith E. Pasek and Jennifer Mayer
Collaborating on Flipped Library Sessions: 8 Best Practices for Faculty & Librarians, Nicole R. Webber and Stephanie Wiegand
Black & White Response in a Gray Area: Faculty and Predatory Publishing, Nicole R. Webber and Stephanie Wiegand
Student Learning: An Assessment of Information Literacy Learning in Nursing Research One-Shots, Stephanie Wiegand
Submissions from 2018
Review of the film "Awake, A Dream from Standing Rock", Wendy Highby
Review of the film "By Blood", Wendy Highby
Environmental Activism of Teacher-Scholars in the Neoliberal University, Wendy Highby and Sarah T. Romano
Faculty Awareness, Attitudes, and Use of Open Educational Resources (OER) at the University of Northern Colorado survey questions, Jennifer Mayer
Textbook and Course Materials Cost Impacts on University of Northern Colorado Students Survey Questions, Jennifer Mayer
Using the ACRL Framework to Build Graduate Services: Librarian Experiences from Three Institutions, Jennifer Mayer, Jeff Dowdy, Mandy Havert, and Stephanie Wiegand
Open Educational Resources: Intersections at the State and Institution Levels, Jennifer Mayer and Tanya Spilovoy
The Public Purposes of Libraries: Innovation and Impact Through Service Learning, Jennifer Nutefall
Inspired by Real Events: Libraries Transforming Students into Engaged Citizens, Jennifer Nutefall, Katherine Kott, Amanda Peters, and Megan Stark
Attributes of God, Bailie Peterson
The Meaning of Belief, Bailie Peterson
Addressing Health Disparities at Your Library, Margarita Shawcross
Open Education Resources: There’s Something in It For You.” Unearthing the Hidden Value of OER to a Mid-size Academic Community, Stan Trembach
Growing Library Presence and Information Literacy Beyond the One-Shot: The NINJA Project, Nicole R. Webber and Lin Allen
Flipped Library Sessions: Customized Instruction that Prioritizes Applied Information Literacy Learning, Nicole R. Webber and Stephanie Wiegand
Submissions from 2017
Taking the Class out of the Classroom: Libraries, Literacy, and Service Learning, Jayne Blodgett
Faculty Collaboration for Assessment Success, Rachel Dineen, Stephanie Evers, Brianne Markowski, Lyda McCartin, and Stephanie Wiegand
Collaborating to Overcome Information Literacy Obstacles, Rachel Dineen and Stephanie Wiegand
Program for the Fifth Annual Dearfield Dream Conference & Symposium, George Junne, Robert Brunswig, Jay Trask, Daphne Rice Allen, and William Garcia
Challenge Accepted! Tips to Ensuring That Patrons Have Access to Paid Content, Jennifer Leffler
Meeting Students Where They Are: Using Assessment Data to Inform One-Shot Curriculum, Brianne Markowski, Lyda McCartin, and Stephanie Evers
Metadata and Liaison Librarian Collaboration: Using Outreach and Metadata to Enhance Access to a Local Art Collection, Jennifer Mayer and Bryan Ricupero
Using Student Perception Data as Evidence for Changes in Library Credit- Course Curriculum, Lyda McCartin, Mary Evans, and Brian Iannacchione
Creating Primary Sources with First-Generation Students, Jane Monson, William Cuthbertson, and Jay Trask
Partners in Mission: A Critical Examination of the Library as a Locus for Social Justice, Jennifer Nutefall and Jackie Kremer
Submissions from 2016
Introducing KiBOSH, Mark Anderson
One Minute Assessments to Promote Responsive Library Instruction, Rachel Dineen and Brianne Markowski
Off-the-Shelf, into the Community: Academic/Community Outreach, Annie Epperson, Wendy Highby, and Jay Trask
Libraries, Publishing, and E -books Workshop, Jessica Hayden
Strengthening Archival Digitization Efforts with an Interdepartmental Approach: A Case Study, Jessica Hayden, Jane Monson, and Emory J. Trask
Juggling a New Format with Existing Tools: Incorporating Streaming Video into Technical Services Workflows, Jennifer Leffler and Jessica Hayden